University: high school of the 21st century
I originally thought at some point in university application procedures administration managed to weed out some of the future lower echelons of academia.
Then I realized that the only people in university were those who either a) had the money to be there, b) actually had some thirst for knowledge, or c) were either inheriting something big or stalling because they're foolish.
Today, in a 4th year class on international humanitarian law, we had one presenter who dressed up in a suit (?) and did a presentation on something that was not in any way about international humanitarian law.
For those who don't know, IHL is about the laws and rules which start to apply within an armed conflict. This suited man's presentation was on humanitarian intervention and about state sovereignty and human rights; which, is all prior to actually engaging in armed conflict.
Not to be outdone, the next presenter flubbed and accidentally said "prostitute" instead of "prosecute". His eloquence proceeded to stomp mercilessly on his time limit and the professor had no time to wrap up the class.
Also, people were pronouncing jus cogens - Juice Co-jens.
This post is so arrogant.
Then I realized that the only people in university were those who either a) had the money to be there, b) actually had some thirst for knowledge, or c) were either inheriting something big or stalling because they're foolish.
Today, in a 4th year class on international humanitarian law, we had one presenter who dressed up in a suit (?) and did a presentation on something that was not in any way about international humanitarian law.
For those who don't know, IHL is about the laws and rules which start to apply within an armed conflict. This suited man's presentation was on humanitarian intervention and about state sovereignty and human rights; which, is all prior to actually engaging in armed conflict.
Not to be outdone, the next presenter flubbed and accidentally said "prostitute" instead of "prosecute". His eloquence proceeded to stomp mercilessly on his time limit and the professor had no time to wrap up the class.
Also, people were pronouncing jus cogens - Juice Co-jens.
This post is so arrogant.
Juice Co-jens and prostitutes dressed in suits.
Oh man, Iain, ohhhh man.
Katie, it's more about Alana.
She loves the juice co-jens.
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