We're on a train bound for somewhere

It is useful, sometimes, to drink oneself beneath shallow ideals and political correctness and into depths where we lay opinions naked, ugly and shivering, as they most often should be; where we must speak unashamed and honestly, remembering to laugh and lament in equal measure, with no masturbatory, climactic conclusion. (No conversation must reach a conclusion; this is a puerile fallacy.)
so passive...but i love the first part. it's not conclusion, is it?
hmm. iain e. marlow, i'll see you on thrusday.
Weijia! I don't get your meaning?
Alana! Yes, bizarrely. We shall see each other Thursday.
iain i LOVE this passage.
Nara, my brother's girlfriend and fellow passenger on that train, took the picture.
Beautifully put, I agree whole heartedly. Conversation should be approached tantricly, rather than several awkward, passionless thrusts towards a lackluster and anticlimactic conclusion. To be enjoyed for the experience, not the product, and the sheer significance of the act itself.
Marlow #1 out.
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