This time, it's personal.
I figured it was time to write about how I've been "feeling." Oh god, what a tedious exercise, one which shall surely bore anyone (if, indeed, there is anyone at all) who actually reads this blog.
School has been as ubiquitous in the past month and a half of my life as sunshine and indulgence have been in the past week. I hope that's a more succint way of saying "I've been busy with school." Anyway, I'm over a hump of school work and working my way up to, and over, another; the last before exams.
Thank a God somewhere for me.
For some reason, I've actually been drumming more. We used to (I unfortunately have to say "used to") host jams in our attic here in Ottawa; a musty old place, sloping down on both sides with obviously poisonous pink insulation sticking out everywhere. My drumset is up there, as are the stacks, guitars, organs and keyboards of my cohorts and coinhabitant. I've been playing a lot more jazz style beats and solos, and hope that at some point this summer I can put my chops to some form of exuberant public display.
And about my summer...It appears that I shall be in Beijing. I am excited immensely for this, as anyone unfortunate enough to have heard me speak at all since I got back from China in September can attest to, I have been seduced. To list the many seductions a troubled, curious boy faces in the Far East - especially in cities with adulterous nicknames - is to list one too many secrets in a Googleable world. Regardless, I shall be combining in a nexus universes of my multiple passions: disappearing, writing, uncertainty, crowds, people, tall buildings, wide plains, breezes at midnight, drunkeness in alleyways, newsprint, and the loss of sanity and innocence.
School has been as ubiquitous in the past month and a half of my life as sunshine and indulgence have been in the past week. I hope that's a more succint way of saying "I've been busy with school." Anyway, I'm over a hump of school work and working my way up to, and over, another; the last before exams.
Thank a God somewhere for me.
For some reason, I've actually been drumming more. We used to (I unfortunately have to say "used to") host jams in our attic here in Ottawa; a musty old place, sloping down on both sides with obviously poisonous pink insulation sticking out everywhere. My drumset is up there, as are the stacks, guitars, organs and keyboards of my cohorts and coinhabitant. I've been playing a lot more jazz style beats and solos, and hope that at some point this summer I can put my chops to some form of exuberant public display.
And about my summer...It appears that I shall be in Beijing. I am excited immensely for this, as anyone unfortunate enough to have heard me speak at all since I got back from China in September can attest to, I have been seduced. To list the many seductions a troubled, curious boy faces in the Far East - especially in cities with adulterous nicknames - is to list one too many secrets in a Googleable world. Regardless, I shall be combining in a nexus universes of my multiple passions: disappearing, writing, uncertainty, crowds, people, tall buildings, wide plains, breezes at midnight, drunkeness in alleyways, newsprint, and the loss of sanity and innocence.
Maybe we will come visit you and load ourselves up with cheap clothes. :) You can show us all the awesome things to see and do!
Good luck with the rest of the school year!
Wow, I'm one of the 'we' girls.
Chris and I might visit, to clarify. :P
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