The Great McCartney Hunt
There's a few things I cannot stand on this earth and chief among them is arrogance.
It's hard to tell who possessed more of it on the farcical debate between the fuzzy McCartney couple or the Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, Danny Williams: the McCartney's or the host, Larry King.
After posing with a type of seal that has been illegal to hunt since the '80s, the two go on Larry King Live and end up debating Williams.
In the introduction, Larry King pronounces Newfoundland incorrectly. Some Canadians pronounce it differently as well, as in either:, or NOOFUND-LAND.
However, all of us agree that it is not to be pronounced: Noofind-lund. And apparently, not Labrador.
What an idiot. American mainstream journalism (we're talking one of the top networks' top shows) can't even research the province of the Premier he's hosting. When doing something like this has to be called research, the whole situation is utterly degrading.
I can just imagine: And here is Mike Huckabee (yes, of Talking to Americans fame), governor of ARRRRR-CAN-ZHAS.
What an absolute disgrace.
And then there was Paul and Heather, celibree-tos with the gall to take on an elected official in their position as, guitar player and woman who...married a musician? Not journalist a journalist, mano a mano, or pundit vs pundit. But poofs vs tepid, irritated anger? Inconsequential. Irrelevant. This debate shouldn't have occurred.
My goodness. It wouldn't have been bad had it actually been a debate. But leave it for someone from the Beatles to skip logical, procedural argument and engage in unwilling satire.
It's like watching a more wrinkly, less relevant Bono. And even with the sunglasses, Bono is unpleasant at best; without them, even decked out (arrogantly) in a patronizing CANADA sweater, Paul McCartney came off as a sad, old photo-op, floundering around verbally like a beated bleeding seal flopping around on the ice.
It's hard to tell who possessed more of it on the farcical debate between the fuzzy McCartney couple or the Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, Danny Williams: the McCartney's or the host, Larry King.
After posing with a type of seal that has been illegal to hunt since the '80s, the two go on Larry King Live and end up debating Williams.
In the introduction, Larry King pronounces Newfoundland incorrectly. Some Canadians pronounce it differently as well, as in either:, or NOOFUND-LAND.
However, all of us agree that it is not to be pronounced: Noofind-lund. And apparently, not Labrador.
What an idiot. American mainstream journalism (we're talking one of the top networks' top shows) can't even research the province of the Premier he's hosting. When doing something like this has to be called research, the whole situation is utterly degrading.
I can just imagine: And here is Mike Huckabee (yes, of Talking to Americans fame), governor of ARRRRR-CAN-ZHAS.
What an absolute disgrace.
And then there was Paul and Heather, celibree-tos with the gall to take on an elected official in their position as, guitar player and woman who...married a musician? Not journalist a journalist, mano a mano, or pundit vs pundit. But poofs vs tepid, irritated anger? Inconsequential. Irrelevant. This debate shouldn't have occurred.
My goodness. It wouldn't have been bad had it actually been a debate. But leave it for someone from the Beatles to skip logical, procedural argument and engage in unwilling satire.
It's like watching a more wrinkly, less relevant Bono. And even with the sunglasses, Bono is unpleasant at best; without them, even decked out (arrogantly) in a patronizing CANADA sweater, Paul McCartney came off as a sad, old photo-op, floundering around verbally like a beated bleeding seal flopping around on the ice.
I only saw clips (which I suppose was the amount you would have preferred), but pretending it was organized as part of some high school media class made it easier to digest.
I was "lucky" enough to catch the cheesy reference to These Boots Were Made for Walking, though. And Larry King asking about Paul's upcoming tour (WHAT THE HELL?) while waiting for Williams to be connected to the conversation.
Anyway, I looked the transcript up on the CNN website and it's actually even more amusing to read than to watch. When Williams does his little spiel after being introduced on, it is described in the transcript as "DANNY WILLIAMS, PREMIER OF NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR, CANADA, DEFENDS ANNUAL SEAL HUNT:" and then what he says.
And there's also that brilliant part where Heather mixes up barbaric and archaic. It's hard to keep the terminology straight when you're championing so many causes, isn't it Heather?
Williams: 90 per cent are killed by bullet.
Heather: That's rubbish. I've seen propaganda video clips with Sarah MacLachlan playing in the background and therefore my conclusions trump yours.
And it's basically just plain hard to read when we start getting into talk about "we eat chickens, we eat beef, we don't eat seals."
In conclusion, we should plan a trip up to Prince Edward Island, a territory of Newfoundland and Labrador, someday soon.
P.S. You should look at today's editorial cartoon in the Citizen.
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