Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Post and Riposte

I haven't posted in ages and was prompted to by an earthquake. A colleague said: "You should write about this in your blog."

Well, Zhu Linyong: I have.

There are several reasons why I haven't been posting. First, and most pertinent here, I am writing elsewhere. Second, I have been somewhat busy and the hassle of navigating the digital jet streams of the nanny state's hatred for Blogger is almost overwhelming.

That, combined with the sloth-like nature of my laptop, do not make posting easy. When I do make it through, like now for instance, the formatting is wonky and my writing is artless and mundane.


Things have been progressing. Today marks the "one month" since I returned to Beijing from India. Three days ago marked the day Chinese trains hissed out of stations for Lhasa, Tibet; a heavily documented escapade in which I played a minor editing role - "Um, I think we should mention the environment here." etc. I have had a few articles published, a couple held, but I am content. I am writing, and that is enough.

I have been crafting fiction, which I enjoy immensely. Some people, better friends than they know, have given me kind encouragement that will not be forgotten. I have been laughing a lot, as well. I like being able to remember vividly the last time I laughed tears; and counting back hours or days, and not weeks, to when it last happened.

My brother and Nara are flying out to Beijing soon and I will attempt to show them a good time. I am buying a tent soon.

I have been drinking in hutongs with friends (Carleton grads?). Yesterday, I was playing badminton with my friend Mu Qian when a pug walked over and pee\'d on my bag. The woman started beating it on the head with a newspaper and then I took their picture while some old men laughed. I almost die daily, but my bike (though it has seen better days, perhaps before the Cultural Revolution) is not literally falling apart on me anymore. The back wheel worries me though.

I do realize, by the way, that this post is horrible. I will continue in the hope that it drains me of my ability to be tedious and dull, so that the next post may be more lively.

I also went out to a beach house with a bunch of French people, a Beligian and some Chinese folks. That was a lot of fun. There was a company party on the beach and they had a massive supply of fireworks. I, unfortunately, fell bizarrely ill after some beach soccer matches, and woke up staring into a black TV reflecting the explosions in the sky outside the window. We also BBQ'd on the beach. Not, like, hunks of beef; but mushrooms, eggplant, potatoes, cloves of garlic, and of course, mutton. That was fun. I swam in the sea.

Also, hey apparently there's a World Cup on. I can't tell you how much beer I have drunk watching the games; but now that Brazil and Argentina are out, being eliminated by Germany and France (Say what? A farce.), there isn't too much reason to keep watching.

However, at one point, under a torn Beijing sky, I sat on the back of a Belgian's bike, while were all racing through the soaked alleyways, as Theo, a Frenchman yelled, "Look at us: A Belgian, a French, an Indonesian, and a Canadian. All soaked. All crazy foreigners." And it was pretty apt, I suppose.

Essentially, I've been reading a lot of the Atlantic, writing a lot of zany, mildly shocking things, and biking.

Today, the newspaper for which I am unofficially employed, has a front page with the following main headline:

"Emergency response law 'will ensure accurate info'"

Subhead: "Fines aim ato prevent media from misleading public, causing chaos"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey iain!
glad to hear you're doing well.
i love how you complain about your writing being bad in that post, and yet it sounds like a typical blog entry of mine...haha.

i think it's particularly wonderful that you are lauging until you cry all the time. i firmly believe that it is one of the greatest things in life.

keep laughing and stay safe on that bike of yours,

Wednesday, July 05, 2006 11:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reading about laughing tears on such a regularized schedule is giving me crows feet because THAT'S how widely I am smiling. My oldest, dearest friend that I have spent too much time away from is driving to Ottawa for a few weeks in October and we determined yesterday that our goal would be to have at least two or three laughing-induced-near-asthma attacks every day. I know from experience that we will likely exceed this goal.

I am imagining you playing badminton with your friends. I picture them being at least two feet shorter than you, but moving at a speed that makes it appear as though the FF button has been pressed on some transcendental remote control. Is this true?

That headline and subheading from your paper are endlessly amusing. Good thing your supplementing your writing with reading the Atlantic.

P.S. Don't keep the fiction hidden for too long.

Thursday, July 06, 2006 12:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh god...I just committed the most sinful of sins.

I meant YOU'RE in that second-last line, not YOUR.

Thursday, July 06, 2006 12:47:00 AM  

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