Monday, January 29, 2007

The Canadian Newspapers; why I love journalism

I'm reading a book called Canadian Newspapers, The Inside Story, which was edited together by some old journalist named Walter Stewart. It's hilariously stuffy and was published in 1980, just as a slew of interesting (mainly terrible) things were happening to Canadian journalism.

The people who wrote, in 1980, of their careers and time at various Canadian papers are ridiculous. Here is one excerpt, for my journalist friends, from its section on the Globe and Mail:

At one point in the sixties, the Globe was the only paper in Toronto, perhaps the only one outside Singapore, whose police reporter was augmenting his income by smuggling drugs into the country from Africa. He and a deskman in the "Report on Business" brought the dope in from Kenya, hidden inside African lampstands. They weren't very good at it. They were arrested one night shortly before deadline by a bunch of Mounties and city cops wearing hockey windbreakers.


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