Don't we all, though?

I have wishes of a simple nature.
I yearn to be shoeless, barefoot and bribing a uniformed officer in a small, garbage-strewn railway station between provincial towns in northern India; leaves blowing across the platform and swirling around the stumps of legless beggars; bound for Varanasi, and without baggage, I would have no tickets and no friends; nothing but the money in pockets torn ragged and the sand in my hair.
Saying "Namaste," a young boy would slide across the floor to where I sat, cross-legged and contemplating the beauty of the dung-cake huts that flitted past the windows, arraying themselves chronologically in my memory; stirred at stops I would be, by small cups of chai in chipped clay cups, dutifully thrown through the window's bars and onto the tracks - collected as the train hissed out into the dusk by leperous shadows wrapped in bandages and sadness; with Varanasi on the horizon; its glimmering lights and boats with candles and lanterns; its burning bodies and tearful widows, with eyeless tourists struck with fever wandering aimlessly like zombies among the funeral pyres, having their pockets picked and their hamstrings sliced asunder.
I miss much of what I have seen in this world and desire very much to lose myself again in its utterly joyous madness.
one time, i did a presentation on india
in case you've already forgot, you still have 100 dollar credit from air canada. how are you gonna use it?
naxbmeyo iain, im marcia chris' old friend from guelph i think i maybe met you once, but i read your blog because its so captivating (i dont even read my won blog, so you should be flattered) and its friggin awesome. you are very talented and your adventures sounds incredible.
Alana; duly noted and remembered.
Yan; I have no idea, I'll have to amass the other thousand and something first.
Marcia; I remember, and thanks for all the compliments!
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