Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Things We Forget

For a while now, I had forgotten a lot of the original reasons I wanted to do journalism; things that only pop up when I'm laying the rhetoric on thick in conversations about what journalism should and shouldn't be.

I saw this Marc Kelley CBC piece on homelessness tonight. It was good. I usually criticize the CBC for being too status quo and provincial -- of lacking depth and purpose, of providing comfortable middle class Canadians with conversation pieces. But tonight's was brilliant. It's what journalism should be, in a way.

And then, of all things, I throw on the Amandla soundtrack, which is about revolutionary music and its role in shaking the foundations of Apartheid South Africa.

Which brings me, in perhaps the most ludicrously positive post ever, to Kiva. I read about it in Foreign Policy and it looks incredible. It can transform you into a microcredit lender. I'm going to try it out soon enough (I have my eye on a pretty lady from Tajikistan).


Blogger RenĂ©e said...

haha it is unusually positive.

i saw that piece too. it was fantastic.

Thursday, March 22, 2007 12:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw that too at it was good although he started to get emotionally involved - good or bad for a journalist? It was however unpretentious and very real

Friday, March 23, 2007 7:56:00 AM  

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